Monday 3 September 2012


Yay I have finally finished black beauty it was an amazingly good book as it always has been, then i read the hunger games trilogy which I think where officially the best three books i have EVER read they where sooooooo good!

(Spoiler alert if you haven’t read the books stop reading now and skip to the next paragraph!)

The hunger games are about a world spoiled by war and the capital have taken control and split the lintier world’s population into 13 districts. Kattniss the main character in this book   lives in the poorest district number 12 because 13 was destroyed by the capitol. There are these games that the capitol plays every year where they pick out two children from each district between the ages of 12 and 18 and place them in the arena of their choosing and they have to fight to the death until only one survives. Kattnisses little sister gets chosen to go take part in these hunger games, but kattniss can’t stand to let her little sis go into this danger so she volunteers herself to take her place in the games even though her chances of surviving are slim. The other candidate from her district is a boy called Peeta they are told to portray themselves as lovers and they do all the way through the game where they make a new rule that two players from the same district can win this is a lie because when they both survive until the end together they say they have to kill each other but they don’t they threat to both take a poisonous berry and die together. This leaves the game makers with no choice but to let them both win.
After that amazing trilogy i didn’t think I would ever find a good book again but then I fond the book i am reading now it is called pure it is another book like the hunger games but a bit more disturbing because it is about a nuclear war that destroyed everything but a dome where a whole civilisation lives there are survivors outside the dome but none are fully human the main character Presta is a young girl at the age of 15 she and her granddad survived this awful war but she has a dolls head fused to her hand and it is now part of her body and she can feel the plastic for a hand. There’s a boy with 10 birds fused to his back that flutter around still alive he can feel them move daily. But one day a person escapes out of the dome a pure person and finds Presta the doll fused weirdo and convinces her to help him find his mother but they have to be careful for there a foul beasts called dusts which will bite and kill you if they get the chance the dome are trying to find the boy but nothing is as it seams OUT SIDE THE DOME!
I am looking forward to reading the rest of this thrilling book that’s all from night after night page after page.

Sunday 8 July 2012

a stormy day

Here I am again I am still reading the marvellous black beauty I’m am now 92 pages in and sad that I couldn’t get any fervour, but I was in the wet and windy Wales.  This book is one of the best books I have ever read at the moment is about when black beauty’s master has to deliver an argent message trough a tribal storm. And that in the way back the bridge has collapsed over the river and the beauty knows but the master doesn’t so beauty doesn’t move even thought his master is wiping him!

 Then a man runs out of his house shouting to go no fervour beauty is now a hero! it is also about how in the middle of the night his mistress gets sick and be has to canter in to the city and back to save her. Then he gets ill very ill from after he gets back he isn’t treated and doesn’t have a blanket on! But don’t worry he gets given medicine which makes him better. So yes an amazing book by an amazing writer.

Check in soon for more night after night page after page.

Friday 29 June 2012

black beauty

Hello again at the moment i am reading the well-known book black beauty (the classical illustrated version) this version of the book is a hard back and is a dark purple in colour with a bright gold pattern which shows that the target audience is manly for girls. The image is in  panting like pattern it is a picture of black beauty and his mum. am finding this book very moving and sad so far my favourite character is the poor horse ginger  i like the fact that there are glossy pictures of what the story has been about .this book is very old fashioned. so far in the book black beauty’s mum has died and he has meet ginger and merry legs. i am very much liking this book and cant wait to read some more.

Check in soon for more night after night page after page

Wednesday 27 June 2012

my struggle

When i was young i really struggled when learning to read because of my dyslexia, but i was determined to do my best. This I found difficult but I succeeded. Now I can read just as well as everyone else if not better than them and I find this a very big achievement for me.

I love reading at night before I fall asleep because it’s quiet and peaceful. My favourite author is the magnificent children’s writer Roald Dahl and my favourite book written by him is the B.F.G. “leave a comment below about your favourite book.” Recently I have been reading the inheritance saga which the well-known film Erogon is based on.

Check in next week for the more night after night page after page.